Register Grands 2 Online

For Kids 8 to 13 years old.
LEVEL 2- After at least 2.5 years of French (level A2, elementary)
- Grand 2 SPRING class online (kids 8 to 13)
Sat 10:05-11:30am - April 12th to June 21st - $345.
(No class May 24th)
In this class, we learn the A2 skills (corresponding to French 2/3 in middle school). Children need a lot of repetition.The teacher will also do a brief review of concepts from A1.
- How to express one's opinion in a very simple way
- How to talk about future activities
- How to describe feelings
- How to talk about very simple past activities
- How to describe one's environment: room, house, city
- How to give directions
- How to make suggestions
- How to buy items
- Review of the A1 basics
Grammar points: Basic conjugations, future, passé composé, imparfait.
- You will receive a book recommendation upon your registration. The teachers may also use some other books (grammar, vocabulary etc...) to reinforce a point and will hand out copies. Please bring a binder, a notebook and pencils.
Parent Participation and Responsibility
Each parent or caregiver is responsible for the well-being of their child and is strongly encouraged to participate in all the class activities.
Your child must be assisted online with the camera, the writing in chat. Make sure you stay in class with your child.
Only the registered child can attend the class, no other sibling or friends who are not registered.
Please fill out the form below and click SUBMIT .
Then submit your payment to be fully registered.
Payment by check, Zelle (free), or online payment (3.5% fees) (you will see once you send your form).